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Supervised Ph.D. Thesis
October 2021 – Present
- Anis Koliai,
- Université de Haute-Alsace,
- Subject: Safe navigation of an autonomous ground vehicle in a shared and constrained environment,
- Directed by R. Orjuela and M. Basset.
October 2019 – Present
- Mohamad Al Assaad,
- Université de Haute-Alsace,
- Subject: Contribution of light-field cameras to the perception of the environment on autonomous vehicles,
- Directed by C. Cudel,
- Co-supervision: T. Laurain.
September 2017 – December 2020
- Martin Rebert,
- Université de Haute-Alsace/ISL,
- Subject: Two views camera motion in the presence of planar degeneracy,
- Directed by C. Cudel,
- Co-supervision: D. Monnin.
October 2015 – November 2017
- Sylvain Lanneau,
- IMT-Atlantique,
- Subject: Model-based localization and estimation of an ellipsoidal object with the artificial electric sense,
- Directed by F. Boyer,
- Co-supervision: V. Lebastard.
January 2014 – April 2017
- Marco Camurri,
- Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT),
- Subject: Consistent mapping with semantic information for foothold planning on the HyQ robot.
- Directed by C. Semini.
Supervised Master Thesis or Bachelor Thesis
February 2021 -July 2021 (master thesis)
- Kevin Deleplace,
- Université de Haute-Alsace,
- Subject: Improvement of the guidance of an autonomous vehicle taking into account the perception defects.
March 2021 -September 2021 (master thesis)
- Sebastien Jung,
- Université de Haute-Alsace,
- Subject: Real-time inertial and visual localization on an autonomous vehicle.
March 2020 -September 2020 (master thesis)
- Sefa Karasu,
- Université de Haute-Alsace,
- Subject: Vehicle localization using exteroceptive sensors and local mapping using ROS.
March 2019 -August 2019 (master thesis)
- Nour Saeed,
- Université de Haute-Alsace,
- Subject: Development of a monocular visual odometry system for ARTEMIPS.
March 2019 -August 2019 (master thesis)
- Mansour Kande,
- Université de Haute-Alsace,
- Subject: Perception of the environment on the ARTEMIPS vehicle from Lidar point cloud.
March 2018 -June 2018 (bachelor internship)
- Lamyaa Moustaghfir Voyez
- Université de Haute-Alsace,
- Industrial robotic applications using vision.
February 2013 -July 2013 (master thesis)
- Francesco Rovida,
- Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT),
- Subject: Development of an active head for the HyQ robot.
February 2013 -July 2013 (master thesis)
- Anis Meguenani,
- Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT),
- Subject: Onboard vision-based SLAM on a quadruped robot.